Wednesday, August 10, 2011


That moment when you think love has come, you would, at one point or another, ask yourself: Is he/she the one? Take it to prayer and ask the Lord of love: Is he/she the one? Argh! Go figure! Hahaha.

Would it be him, Lord
Your will for me?
Created in Your likeness
Created in Your love
In him I see You
In him I feel You
Then if it's him, Lord
Please tell him

That all my life
I will take care of him
That I'm proud to tell the world
That he is mine and I am his
And we are Yours, oh Lord
In our love be glorified

Oh I thank You
Let me praise You
For giving him to me
And me to him
Unite us in Your Spirit
Make us one in You
Then if it's him, Lord
Please tell him

That all my life
I will take care of him
That I'm proud to tell the world
That he is mine and I am his
And we are Yours, oh Lord
In our love be glorified

All my life
I will take care of you
And I'm proud to tell the world
You are mine and I am yours
And we belong to Him
I will love you all my life!