Friday, May 4, 2012


Is there anything like "beyond pain"?
... I want to die.


Feel the touch of my hand
It won't be there for a long while
But I won't be far
I'll watch over you.

I'll say goodbye not because I'll go
Not because I won't be here
I'll say goodbye just because
I love you so.
In your heart I'll be near. 

Thursday, May 3, 2012


If I get to do a novel someday, this letter is going to be part of it. It's too cheesy, I think. But isn't that what makes us so hooked to the idea of love? Hahaha. 

My beloved, 

First of all, I LOVE YOU. I love you with all my heart and soul. Loving you and being loved by you made me live and made life beautiful beyond compare. Thank you for your great love. You're the greatest gift God gave me. I thank God for you.

     Secondly, I AM SORRY. I am sorry if you are reading this. There is only one reason why you are reading this. I swear to God, I have been asking him every single day that you won’t read this letter, not that soon. This is the hardest thing I have ever written, especially that i know, how this will make you feel. But i was feeling that my time has come, and i just cannot go without telling you what is inside my heart and mind.

      I'm sorry if you are missing me today, and in the days to come. I know how much it hurts. I can never forgive myself for hurting you this much. But you have to know, i didn’t mean this to happen. I swear i did my best not to break your heart. That's the thing i dreaded to do.  But this is the farthest i can go. I wish i could stay forever, just to be with you forever. But my time is up.

       Now, i can only watch you from afar. I’ll be watching over you all the time. I’ll be that soft gentle breeze, and the brightest star in the night sky. I’ll be that soft voice that the sea creates as i am whispering to your ears how much i love you and miss you. I will not be far. I will stay by you forever, because you are my heaven.

       I only want you to be happy, to have the best in everything. But I am not the best for you. I only love you.  May the thought of this love always bring you happiness, completeness, strength and peace. Always.  
     Take good care of yourself. Please do your best not be sad or feel bad. Life does not end with my going. I hope I did something to make you see how beautiful life is, whether I am near or far. Thats what you did to me. For each time you get sad and feel bad, meet me by the sea and we will talk. At night, take your pillow and call her my name. Embrace it like you are embracing me, and you will feel me. I am everywhere you are darling. I wont be far. I’m always near you. ALWAYS. 

        I don’t want to end this letter, in as much as i don’t want "us" to end. I know you feel me, you always do. Thank you for taking care of me. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for making me the happiest girl on earth. Thank you for everything.

       So long, Darling. Til we meet again. I love you so much. Don’t forget. 

I LOVE YOU, GOODBYE by Celine Dion