Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The Choice

She sighed.
He gasped.
In that moment, 
As she stands in front of him,
Looking tenderly at her.
He still couldn't believe his eyes.
She is a sight to behold.
Oh how he loves her!
But she looks anxious. 
Her lovely eyes reflect her blurry thoughts.
He fought the urge for an embrace.
He knew it's what she needs
But he knew too,
That she has to do this on her own.
To make that choice.
To have and to hold
Or to let go and turn away.
She savors this moment
As her soul connects to his quiet spirit
In a way no one has ever done.
Oh how she adores him!
But he happened so fast.
Well, maybe not as fast
As she did to him.
He loves her since they met.
To him, she was immaculate.
To her, he was too good to be true.
But at this moment,
While her eyes are locked in his tender gaze, 
Nothing else matters.
She feels the happiness
That he alone could give.
He feels the hope for love
That she alone could give.
Ah, Love! pure and passionate, 
And strange is the pain you give.
She sighed. 
She has one chance.
He remained.
He chose to fight for her.
And so did she. 
She smiled.
Took a step forward.
He held her close.
Lost in the wonder of her scent.
In the wonder of her choice. 
Ah, Love! Strong and true,
And beautiful are the days you give
To two souls you counted as one! 

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