Friday, August 14, 2015

What is the Greatest Love Story?

What is the greatest love story? 
It's you. 
And me.
There is no greater love than this.
At first hello, at first smile
In laughters and tears,
And the silence in between,
There was "us".
There was nothing I could ask for.
You were too good to be true.
But if there was any truth in what we have shared,
It was that I loved you. 
So dearly.
I didn't mean to. 
I didn't want to. 
And I swear I kept stopping myself from doing so. 
But how I miserably failed! 
I never knew that I'm capable to love that much. 
And you loved me too.
So dearly.
The love that I have always wanted was in you.
You own it.
You own mine.
But it was gone and would never be mine. 
Your love was never mine. 
Could never ever be mine.
I was such a fool to even try.
Yes, I have fought for this love. 
I would over and over again
If only it was meant to be. 
My love for you will always be yours,
And though your love is the one that I have always wanted,
I could never ever have you.
You had to go. 
And so did I. 
My greatest love will just be in my memory.
In yours.
So what is the greatest love story?
Because there is no "us".

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