Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Not a Do-Nothing-Bitch

get my hair treated regularly, let my tresses down once in a while especially on a nice dress with a comfy glittery flops that show off my well-pedicured toes. I put on a pink blush every now and then after puffing powder on to complement my not-so-fair skin. I curl my lashes and line my eyes to reveal its glow that was snatched by lack of sleep. I put on a nude lipstick to finish a simple elegant look that will go well with my attire. I indulge on a personally hand-picked cologne for a sweet girly scent. Everyday i look at myself on the mirror feeling satisfied and i leave with a smile on my face ready to face the day. 

But then I'm the kind of girl you wouldn't want to mess with. You may think i am all nice and curvy but I am more than that. My mind is a well of intelligence and wisdom of the deepest thoughts. My heart is kind but it is never frail. My hands are smooth but they are strong. My legs are fine but they are swift. My eyes are truly the windows to my soul, you'll burn in its fury. My mouth are soft but my words will make or break you, as I pleased. 

I train and beat myself to be physically and psychologically able. I run, read and rest to my heart's content and pleasure. I work diligently and love passionately. I fight to win and take pleasure in victory. I have a mind of my own and speak my own when needed. I am not a damsel in distress. I am not a do-nothing-bitch. 

So the next time our paths crossed, take a second look. I am more than your first.