Sunday, July 26, 2015


BAYANIHAN by Sarah Geronimo

Why are you attacking us
With your piercing words? 
Are we supposed to publicize our actions,
like the other "patriots" do,
just to prove and redeem ourselves,
and so earn your approval,
while jeopardizing our operations?
Are we supposed to attack you too,
with the same weapon you use against us?
No, we won't do that,
Even if you don't agree.
A true patriot understands this.

Why do you blame us for the things we can't do?
You're the ones who chose our leaders. 
And please don't preach to us about taxes,
Coz we pay ours religiously,
With our salaries, lives and limbs, 
From and for this job we chose but you didn't.
And please don't preach to us about duty,
Coz we do not wear the same sacred uniforms and permanent scars.
A true patriot understands this.

We are not questioning your love for this nation,
Nor your actions to prove it.
Each one has his own way.
Patriotism is not a competition. 
Patriotism needs no recognition.
Patriotism may not be loud.
We may be silent, 
Coz silence is part of our job,
But we are here, there and everywhere.
Every single day.
With whatever is given us. 
In whatever way we can.
We are relentless.
We never give up.
For your children and mine.
For our people.
For you,
Even while you are mercilessly attacking us.
A true patriot understands this, too.

We would be happy not to trade places with you,
So you and your children won't have to see what our eyes have seen;
So you and your children won't have to fight the battles we have fought.
Go ahead and keep calling us names.
It doesn't matter, really.
But understand this:
We are everywhere,
In places others would not dare to be.
Until we drop.
No questions asked.
No blame-game. 
A true patriot understands this. 

We are not the enemy. 
And please be very sure 
that you're not the foe,
In your thoughts, words and deeds.
Because if you are, 
Then you have no right to attack us
With your double-edged tongue.
But if you are a true patriot,
Then we have nothing to explain to you. 
You already know the answers
Deep inside of you.
And because you are a fellow patriot, 
You know that you can count on us, 
And that we can count on you, too.
That we got each other's backs.
That we can fight together, 
In a manner we uniquely know,
For God, country and people.
A true patriot understands this, too.

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